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I4F Launches New WeChat Account

Jun 3, 2018

I4F Launches New WeChat Account

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FloorDaily’s Kemp Harr and Harlan Stone, Group CEO with Halstead and Metroflor, discuss ongoing IP litigation and the US free trade debate

May 28, 2018

FloorDaily’s Kemp Harr and Harlan Stone, Group CEO with Halstead and Metroflor, discuss ongoing IP litigation and the US free trade debate

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US District Court of Delaware rules Välinge’s Mannington Patents in the US are invalid, with immediate effect

May 10, 2018

US District Court of Delaware rules Välinge’s Mannington Patents in the US are invalid, with immediate effect

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I4F appoints Matthieu Dekens as Chief Operating Officer

May 7, 2018

I4F appoints Matthieu Dekens as Chief Operating Officer

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I4F reacts to repeatedly vague allegations made by Unilin

Mar 20, 2018

I4F reacts to repeatedly vague allegations made by Unilin

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I4F showcases new 3D Wall Installation System and Liquid Laminate Technology “Light” innovations

Mar 19, 2018

I4F showcases new 3D Wall Installation System and Liquid Laminate Technology “Light” innovations

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I4F to introduce new Patent Cluster Concept (PCC)

Mar 16, 2018

I4F to introduce new Patent Cluster Concept (PCC)

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I4F expands its global presence with the opening of new offices in Europe and China

Mar 14, 2018

I4F expands its global presence with the opening of new offices in Europe and China

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I4F exhibiting at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2018

Mar 8, 2018

I4F exhibiting at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2018

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John Rietveldt’s Interview in FloorDaily

Mar 6, 2018

John Rietveldt’s Interview in FloorDaily

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