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I4F exhibiting at BAU 2021 ONLINE as a Gold Event Partner; unveiling new, highly advanced ‘Cluster Dome’ showcase

Jan 8, 2021

I4F exhibiting at BAU 2021 ONLINE as a Gold Event Partner; unveiling new, highly advanced ‘Cluster Dome’ showcase

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I4F Tees-off new brand awareness campaign via golf sponsorship with rising star Koen Kouwenaar

Dec 14, 2020

I4F Tees-off new brand awareness campaign via golf sponsorship with rising star Koen Kouwenaar

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Mattie de Koning joins I4F’s management team as Chief IP Officer

Sep 30, 2020

Mattie de Koning joins I4F’s management team as Chief IP Officer

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I4F exhibiting, physically and virtually, at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2020

Aug 18, 2020

I4F exhibiting, physically and virtually, at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2020

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I4F continues its rapid expansion in China; intensifies focus on Vietnam and South East Asia

Jul 29, 2020

I4F continues its rapid expansion in China; intensifies focus on Vietnam and South East Asia

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I4F introduces new labelling system and offers additional protection worldwide for its licensees and their customers

Jun 24, 2020

I4F introduces new labelling system and offers additional protection worldwide for its licensees and their customers

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CFL Flooring Signs License Agreement to use I4F’s Grout Technologies

May 19, 2020

CFL Flooring Signs License Agreement to use I4F’s Grout Technologies

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I4F offers licensees protection from pending US ITC proceedings decisions

Apr 29, 2020

I4F offers licensees protection from pending US ITC proceedings decisions

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I4F signs agreement for unique grout patents with Quickstyle

Mar 31, 2020

I4F signs agreement for unique grout patents with Quickstyle

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Message from John Rietveldt, I4F’s CEO

Mar 26, 2020

Message from John Rietveldt, I4F’s CEO

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