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Innovations4Flooring receives a second Canadian patent grant for its 3L TripleLock technology

Jan 19, 2017

Innovations4Flooring receives a second Canadian patent grant for its 3L TripleLock technology

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US Customs & Border Protection Agency ruling gives I4F licensees approval to import 3L TripleLock and Click4U floor panels into the USA

Jan 12, 2017

US Customs & Border Protection Agency ruling gives I4F licensees approval to import 3L TripleLock and Click4U floor panels into the USA

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Innovations4Flooring and Classen sign strategic partnership agreement

Jan 11, 2017

Innovations4Flooring and Classen sign strategic partnership agreement

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Innovations4Flooring announces market share gains; describes Välinge’s US lawsuit announcement against its customer Halstead as an ‘act of desperation’

Nov 30, 2016

Innovations4Flooring announces market share gains; describes Välinge’s US lawsuit announcement against its customer Halstead as an ‘act of desperation’

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Innovations4Flooring wins historic court case against Unilin, nullifying the Dutch part of its base pretension patent EP’341

Oct 19, 2016

Innovations4Flooring wins historic court case against Unilin, nullifying the Dutch part of its base pretension patent EP’341

Mehr Informationen interview with I4F CEO, John Rietveldt

Aug 8, 2016 interview with I4F CEO, John Rietveldt

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Innovations4Flooring wins court case against Unilin

Jul 20, 2016

Innovations4Flooring wins court case against Unilin

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Strength of 3LTripleLock patent confirmed

Jun 23, 2016

Strength of 3LTripleLock patent confirmed

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I4F files action to nullify Dutch part of Välinge base patent EP 1 084 317

Mar 22, 2016

I4F files action to nullify Dutch part of Välinge base patent EP 1 084 317

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Innovations4Flooring receives intention to grant from European Patent Office for expanded patent protection of its 3L TripleLock technology

Mar 2, 2016

Innovations4Flooring receives intention to grant from European Patent Office for expanded patent protection of its 3L TripleLock technology

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